Wednesday, August 10, 2016

First Day of School Accomplished!

I wish I had pictures to post but, we were pretty much none stop and I didn't sit down once, much less stop to grab my phone and take pictures. I promise to do better. Here is a break down of what we did:

  • We learn our non-verbal cues for the bathroom, tissue, & a pencil.
  • How to be good listeners.
  • Our Class Rules
  • Good Coloring- (First Day Hats)
  • I read Chrysanthemum and we talked about how to be a good friend and how special our names are.
  • Sounds to Letters Routine
  • How to line up, use the playground and get food from the cafeteria.
  • About how to Raise your hand to get the teacher's attention.
  •  Our feelings on the first day.
Tomorrow more on classroom procedures and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.

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