Saturday, August 1, 2015

Day Two and Three - Organize

It doesn't look like I made much progress, but I mainly worked on things you wouldn't immediately notice.  I setup my  PCs and laptops, connected them to the network, and had to update Windows on all four.

Notice the light coming through that space on the back wall? You may assume that it is a window. Nope it's where the air conditioning is located.  You shouldn't be able to see daylight through it. The unit decided that it has had enough and the HVAC team was trying to revive it. Needless to say my classroom has be swelteringly hot these past few days.

  I built a fifth cubby unit and numbered the spaces. 

I finished up the library. The bin labels are flying around a bit since I had a box fan set on high so that I didn't pass out from the heat.

This is the view from the back of  the classroom . The short beige bookcase holds math manipulatives and has been organized and labeled. I am making a skirt for the kidney table and getting rid of the detritus that tends to accumulate there. As soon as most of organization is done. I will move on to decorating the walls. More pics to come.

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